Support Group
Divorce & Separation Support Group for Parents
Meeting Monthly on Zoom
Online support group for parents who are going through or have been through a divorce or separation.
Gather together with other parents in an open support group facilitated by a licensed social worker. This group will provide a safe and supportive environment to share and gather information during this stressful time in your life. Come to discuss your thoughts and feelings, bounce ideas off each other and build a new sense of self. Our social worker will lead guided discussion around topics such as how to co-parent successfully, how to reduce conflict with your co-parent, how to build a support network for yourself and your children, how to improve communication between both parents and learn how to move forward with hope and healing.
Pre Registration Required, $25/date
Upcoming Dates: TBA
6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
New dates added each month, newcomers always welcome.